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In 2020, we saw a rise of people working from home and we also saw a huge increase in the number of digital and hybrid events across the globe. There are a number of benefits to online events including increased attendance, reduced risk of cancellation and reduced event costs.

As a PCO (Professional Conference Organiser) and DCO (Digital Conference Organiser), let us explain what the difference is and how we can help for your next digital, hybrid or virtual event.

MCEC Virtual events

What is a DCO (Digital Conference Organiser)?

A DCO (Digital Conference Organiser) is a service which provides strategic guidance, operational delivery and technical support for events run entirely online or with some digital components. We work with our clients by providing advice on leading technologies and innovative solutions to deliver conferences, AGM’s, virtual keynotes, seminars and meetings.

In the current climate, planning an event can be stressful with the threat of border closures, travel restrictions and lockdowns. To mitigate your risk, we have found a large portion of our clients have opted to plan for a digital or hybrid environment which allows them to adapt to a changing set of circumstances. A DCO (digital conference organiser) will not only help you source the best event technology solutions and audio visual suppliers but they will also help you create engaging experiences for sponsors connecting with your event in an online platform.

DCO’s also work with clients to provide innovative solutions for digital and virtual audience connection.

What is a PCO (Professional Conference Organiser)?

A PCO (Professional Conference Organiser) is a traditional conference management professional that will be able to assist in the organisation of your event. They are experienced in working with venues, suppliers and hotels which can ultimately save you time, money and heartache when it comes to planning a conference or business event. To read more about the services of a PCO check out this article What is a PCO and How can they help my business?

So, who should I talk to?

Both a PCO and DCO are an excellent place to start when planning your next conference. They will be able to map out a fantastic strategy for you to maximise your delegate experience and manage intricacies of your event. In the current climate when there is uncertainty around travel and restrictions, planning a hybrid event will mitigate some of the risk of a cancelled event. Ultimately, both a PCO and DCO will be able to support you but you might be best to find a conference organsier that is experienced in both areas to get the best out of both worlds. Do your research and ask lots of questions! You don’t need to commit to a hybrid event straight away but it’s worth knowing you can seek the support of your professional if your plans change.


For more information about hybrid events, contact our team at